Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"The Word Plum"

The part of this poem that I like the most are lines 10 and 11, "and reply, lip and tongue of pleasure." It reminds me of eating a ripe plum and it tasting so good. It brings happiness to my mind when I read this poem and picture myself eating this plum. I think the only way a reader wouldn't feel joyful after reading this poem is if they don't like the taste of plums.

Another reason this poems gets a positive reaction out of the reader is that Chasin not only talks about the pleasurable taste of the plum, she writes about the appealing apperance and even the sound of the word "plum". The very first line, "The word plum is delicious", shows how appealing the writer thinks the plum is. You can "see" this plum in lines 6 through 8 where it states, "taut skin pierced, bitten, provoked into juice, and tart flesh". These characteristics of the plum make it seem so glorious.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

The passion she uses to write about something as simple as a plum makes me wonder if theres not some hidden meaning in a plum. But I too related to this story in remembering eating a plum and how good they are.